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Monday, July 25, 2016

Back to School

If you haven't done so already, please sign up for Parent Teacher Conferences:

 THANK YOU so so so much to all the parents who have ALREADY purchased books on our wish list. 
This boy sums up my current state! It's going to be a GREAT year! 

A special thanks to Mrs. Edwards, Mrs. Sarles, Mama Haglof, and Mrs. Figueiredo for signing up for Remind. It will be one less thing we will need to do at Back to School Night!

A Successful First Day! 

Dear Mom and Dad,
The first day of school can be very overwhelming for our little ones! Please read the following in preparation for the first day of school.

A Successful Morning:
Please bring your student to our classroom no earlier than 8:30am. Outside my door will be a checklist stating how your student gets home (car, walking, bus, or KOC).  Please check the appropriate box. Have your student practice hanging up his/her backpack on the outside hooks. Walk your student into the classroom. Help them find their desk and put their name tag on. Once the bell rings, walk your student out to dot 12 on the blacktop and help him/her get in line. Give them a great big hug and kiss and remind them that you're very proud! Once I walk out to the line, please help your student gain independence by saying your final goodbyes on the blacktop.

Recess and Lunch:
For most of our little ones, recess is a new concept. In Kindergarten, students only have one time to eat. Before the first day of school, talk with your student about the difference between recess and lunch. ("Recess is a short period of time where you only eat one snack and lunch is a longer period of time where you eat what is left in your lunch box.") Tell your student that you will draw a 'happy face' on the snack that is suppose to be brought out to recess.
(*Over the last couple of years, I have noticed that many first graders end up eating their entire lunch during recess. Placing a happy face on their snack will remind them of your conversation and will help your student feel successful on the first couple days of school.)

Parent Contact Information:
Please fill our your contact information. I will change this document to private after the first Wednesday. If you don't feel comfortable filling out this document currently, I will have this document available to fill out at Back to School Night. Please click on the following link:
 Contact Information Spreadsheet

Parent Pick Up:
Parent pick up can be a bit crazy, so please arrive early! I will intentionally walk my students out early on the first day. Although there is no way to avoid the chaos, hopefully this approach will help. Please make eye contact with me before taking your student.
Also, please print the after school procedure notecard template listed below. Please attach this notecard to your student's backpack. After the first week, your student will walk out on their own. Please make sure your student knows your meeting spot.

(Please Note: If you are picking your student up in an automobile and your last name begins with the letter A-L, your student will be waiting on the island. If your last name begin with the letter M-Z, your student will be waiting on the mainland. 

Notecard Download Attachment: Notecard: After School Procedure


Please download this Remind App. Most of my reminders/communication will take place using this application. An easy way to find our classroom is to enter this number: 81010 and text @bsandova. An alternative way to find us, is to go to this link 
Signing up will ensure that you feel 'in the loop!' 
Still struggling? Here's additional information: 

School Supplies

Here is our amazon link, since the image above is a PDFSTEM Books

If you purchased a story from the link above, please let us know. Please mark an 'x' next to the title, so another parent doesn't purchase: STEM Book for Room 12

We are excited to be introducing STEM into our curriculum!! This type of learning requires a lot of 'odds and ends.' We are in need of the following supplies! I will have a dropbox in the front of my classroom starting the first week because lessons will begin the first week!! Please help save and donate what you can.

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